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Eric Schweikardt
Eric Schweikardt
    phone: 303.517.4826

last updated 3.22.2009 by Mark D Gross

Designing Systems to Design Themselves - pdf
Eric Schweikardt
Mark D Gross
Transitive Materials: Programming Reality CHI 2009 Workshop

A Tangible Construction Kit for Exploring Graph Theory - pdf
Eric Schweikardt
Nwanua Elumeze
Michael Eisenberg
Mark D Gross
ACM Tangible and Embedded Interaction, Cambridge UK, Feb 16-19

The Robot is the Program: Interacting with roBlocks - pdf
Eric Schweikardt, Mark D Gross
Tangible and Embedded Interaction 2nd ACM Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction Bonn, Germany: February 18-21, 2008

Learning about Complexity with Modular Robots - pdf
Eric Schweikardt
Mark D Gross
DIGITEL 2008: The Second IEEE International Workshop on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning

A Brief Survey of Distributed Computational Toys - pdf
Eric Schweikardt
Mark D Gross
DIGITEL 2007: The First IEEE International Workshop on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning

Envisioning the Robot Design Studio - pdf
Eric Schweikardt
CHI 2007 Workshop: Supporting Design Studio Culture in HCI

roBlocks: A Robotic Construction Kit for Mathematics and Science Education - pdf
Eric Schweikardt
Mark D Gross
International Conference on Multimodal Interaction

CoDe Lab open house: individual posters 2006 - pdf
Eric Schweikardt
Tsung-Hsien Wang
Sherif Morad Abdelmohsen
Michael Weller, Ken Camarata,Yu-Chang Hu, Bridget Lewis, Kursat Ozenc
Yu-Chang Hu
Shaun Moon
Individual Poster3 march 07

Digital Clay: Deriving Digital Models from Freehand Sketches, in ACADIA - pdf
Eric Schweikardt and Mark D Gross
ACADIA 'Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make A Difference?', proceedings of ACADIA 1998, Quebec City, CANADA October 22-25, 1998 pp202-211