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Physical Computing Course

Physical Computing Course

(past projects)

Increasingly we find computational capabilities embedded in our built environment. Design of computationally enhanced objects and places is an attractive and motivating activity that requires multidisciplinary learning and cooperation: it attracts artists,musicians, and architects as well as computer scientists and engineers.

This course offers students an opportunity to collaboratively explore Physical Computing while designing and building a smart / reactive environment.

This offers us the opportunity to see how a wide range of people approach the topic, lets us loosely explore topics of interest, and feeds new ideas into our research lab.

Several projects from this course are listed on our site. They are the Memory Box, Interactive Book, Laser Space, and the Alphabet Paint Space.
Physical Computing Course

last updated 8.24.2006 by Mark D Gross

A Physical Computing Studio: Exploring Computational Artifacts and Environments - pdf
Ken Camarata, Mark D Gross, Ellen Yi-Luen Do
International Journal of Architectural Computing (IJAC) volume 1 no 2:169-190

ITR proposal: Computationally Enhanced Construction Kits and Craft - pdf
Mark D Gross, Michael Eisenberg
Proposal to the National Science Foundation

Computationally-Enhanced Construction Kits for Children: Prototype and Principles - pdf
Michael Eisenberg, Ann Eisenberg, Mark D Gross, Khomkrit Kaowthumrong, Nathaniel Lee, and Will Lovett
International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Seattle WA pp 79-85