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Bach Blocks

Bach Blocks

(past projects)

Bach Blocks is a game that encourages children to create totally original music. The blocks are physical analogs to musical notes with color associated to pitch and block size to beat length. As children arrange the blocks on a play tray, image processing software determines the position and color of each block. Adjacent blocks of the same color are processed as one block providing a way for children to create more varied rhythms. They can also create harmony by placing blocks perpendicular to the melody direction. Bach Blocks can play the musical output of the block arrangements in one of four directions: up, down, left or right. This flexibility creates a richer play environment where the rhythm of one melody is the harmony in another. This encourages more two-dimensional thinking about music and spatial relationships between blocks on the play tray.
Bach Blocks

last updated 3.22.2009 by Mark D Gross

Environments for Creativity – A Lab for Making Things - pdf
Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Mark D Gross
6th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition June 13–15, 2007, Washington, DC, USA.

Computational Construction Kits (REESE) poster - pdf
Mark D Gross
Mike Eisenberg
NSF REESE Grantees Workshop poster December

CoDe Lab open house: individual posters 2006 - pdf
Eric Schweikardt
Tsung-Hsien Wang
Sherif Morad Abdelmohsen
Michael Weller, Ken Camarata,Yu-Chang Hu, Bridget Lewis, Kursat Ozenc
Yu-Chang Hu
Shaun Moon
Individual Poster3 march 07

Bach Blocks (HCII 12th Anniversary Poster) - pdf
Shaun Moon, Mark Gross, Ellen Yi-Luen Do
HCII 12th Anniversary Celebration Poster