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Construction Kit Builder

Construction Kit Builder

(Past Projects)

Real building systems only go together in certain ways. Construction Kit Builder enables designers to program constraints on the placement and assembly of elements of design kits. (Sponsor: NSF DMI 93-13196)
Construction Kit Builder

last updated 4.21.2002 by Mark D Gross

Computationally-Enhanced Construction Kits for Children: Prototype and Principles - pdf
Michael Eisenberg, Ann Eisenberg, Mark D Gross, Khomkrit Kaowthumrong, Nathaniel Lee, and Will Lovett
International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Seattle WA pp 79-85

Collaboration and Coordination in Architectural Design: approaches to computer mediated work - pdf
Mark D Gross, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Raymond J. McCall, Wayne V. Citrin, Paul Hamill, Adrienne Warmack, Kyle S. Kuczun
Automation in Construction Vol. 7 pp465-473

Collaboration and Coordination in Architectural Design: approaches to computer mediated work - pdf
Mark D Gross, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Raymond J. McCall, Wayne V. Citrin, Paul Hamill, Adrienne Warmack, Kyle S. Kuczun
TeamCAD First GVU/NIST Workshop on Collaborative Design, Atlanta, GA

Collaboration and Coordination in Architectural Design: approaches to computer mediated team work - pdf
Mark D Gross, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Ray McCall, Wayne Citrin, Paul Hamill, Adrienne Warmack, and Kyle Kuczun
TeamCAD presented in TeamCAD First GVU/NIST Workshop on Collaborative Design, Atlanta, May, 1997 and published in Automation in Construction Vol. 7 pp465-473

Elements that Follow Your Rules: Constraint Based CAD layout - pdf
Mark D Gross
Proceedings of Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ‘96 Tuscon, AZ, pp. 115-122

Why can't CAD be more like Lego?
Mark D Gross
Automation in Construction Journal, 5:285-300. 5:285-300.

Grids in Design and CAD - pdf
Mark D Gross
Proceedings of Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture Los Angeles, CA

Relational Modeling - pdf
Mark D Gross
Digital Design Studio (CAAD Futures '89) ed McCullough, Mitchell, Purcell

Design as Exploring Constraints - pdf
Mark D Gross
Ph.D. dissertation Massachusetts Institute of Technology