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Graphics Interpreter of Design Actions

Graphics Interpreter of Design Actions

(past projects)

Architects' drawings reflect a sequence of design actions, from primitive moves to complex strategies. Careful analysis of drawings can reveal an architect's method of design. Graphics Interpreter of Design Action (GIDA) is a graphical spreadsheet sorting program to help researchers and designers identify and analyze individual drawings and their symbol systems, as well as the transformations of composite elements in a series of drawings.
Graphics Interpreter of Design Actions

last updated 8.28.2006 by Mark D Gross

Design Sketches and Sketch Design Tools - pdf
Ellen Yi-Luen Do
KBS - Knowledge Based Systems (18) 383-405

Functional and Formal Reasoning in Architectural Sketches - pdf
Ellen Yi-Luen Do
American Assocation for Artificial Intelligence AAAI Spring Symposium SSS02, pp 37-44

Drawing Marks, Acts, and Reacts, toward a computational sketching interface for architectural design - pdf
Ellen Yi-Luen Do
AIEDAM, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing 16 (3) November, 149-171

Graphics Interpreter of Design Actions - the GIDA system of diagram sorting and analysis - pdf
Ellen Yi-Luen Do
CAAD Futures 'CAAD Futures 2001', Bauke de Vries, Jos P. van Leeuwen, Henri H. Achten (eds). July, 2001, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 271-284.

Intentions in and Relations among Design Drawings - pdf
Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Mark D Gross, Bennett Neiman, Craig Zimring
Design Studies Volume 21, Issue 5 September 2000 Elsevier, pp 483-503