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LiQuID: Lighting Quality in Design
    CAAD Futures 2003
    LiQuID is an analytical tool for evaluating a comprehensive set of lighting data to
    account for the complex nature of daylight. The program is designed to generalize large
    collections of lighting data by performing automatic classification, lighting quality
    analysis, and a summary component. Automatic classification is a data-driven method for
    identifying and organizing sets of data, based on similarities in light intensity and
    distribution. Lighting quality analyses are based on the normative lighting characteristics
    defined in industry standard handbooks (e.g.(Illuminating Engineering Society et al.
    2000; Benya et al. 2001)). These sources contain guidelines on evaluating architectural
    models for factors like direct glare and light distribution. A summary module integrates
    with a user interface for a building designer to review.
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